In our lives, we often find it in our heart to extend love, compassion, and forgiveness to others, especially those that we truly care about. However, when it comes. to ourselves, we have a harder time being kind and loving. You know what I mean... the voice that crops up that tells you you're not good enough or pretty enough. The thoughts of self criticism that cause us to be hard on ourselves and make it hard for us to love and accept ourselves for who we are.

The most important relationship that we'll have in our life is with the self and if we can't learn to love ourselves unconditionally, it causes a negative ripple effect in our relationships and in the experiences that we have in life.

The more you love yourself, the closer you get to accepting your authentic self... this is one of the keys to transforming every area of your life.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn what it really means to love yourself, forgive and accept yourself, and overcome negative thoughts that get in the way of you accepting yourself.

In this 5 day challenge, you will learn easy to implement skills and techniques to help you love yourself completely.


Sign up for the free challenge!

The Learn to Love Yourself Challenge- June 6-10, 2021

During our 5 days together, you will have access to daily lessons, coaching and support, an exclusive community. and other resources that when combined will help you take steps to see yourself as worthy and understand that you deserve happiness. This challenge will help you understand yourself better and begin to transform your thoughts, emotions, and attitudes about yourself (itā€™s FREE!):

Learn to overcome negative self talk and self criticism
You will learn powerful tools for increasing your self confidence and curbing your negativity so that you feel more confident, motivated, and productive.

Learn how to consciously control the responses you have that are responsible for your success
Learn a simple tool that will help you control your conscious and subconscious mind so that you think more positively, are more mindful, and are able to create more success in any area of your life you desire.

Overcome past frustrations and learn how to forgive yourself
Learning to let go of the past will lift a weight off your shoulders and bring you closer to peace, calm, and a sense of relief.

Learn to incorporate more appreciation for yourself
The skills you'll learn in this challenge will help you face challenges easier and find the strength to keep going when you feel like giving up.

"During our 5 days together, you will have access to 5 daily lessons, coaching and support, an exclusive community. and other resources that when combined will help you take steps to see yourself as worthy and understand that you deserve happiness."


A Note from Yashica...

Hey! If you don't know who I am, let me tell you a bit about me. I'm a certified Life Coach and RN with a Masters Degree in Leadership. I also hold certifications in tarot reading and astrology.

I work with clients to help them overcome blocks and beliefs that prevent them from knowing their true self, understanding their purpose, and achieving their dreams.

I created this FREE challenge because I believe that If you want to feel loved and experience success, you have to learn to find it within yourself. It is from that space that you're able to transform every area of your life.

Over the course of 5 days, this challenge will teach you the skills and information you need to know to learn to love and appreciate yourself on a deeper level so that you are able to show up for yourself focus on the positive aspects of yourself instead of letting negativity keep you stuck.


Sign up for the free challenge!

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Enter your name and best e-mail address to register for the 5 FREE day "LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF CHALLENGE."